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refresh h selectonmenu in jsp panel by using javascript on load

I have a rich table panel with many panels containing a jsp file. I have one jsp file like this:

    <f:facet name="header">
        <h:outputText value="Traitement" />
        <table style="width: 95%; border-spacing: 5px">

        <td><h:outputLabel value="Fruit list  : " /></td>
                    id="list_fruit" style="width:288px;"
                <f:selectItem itemValue="0" itemLabel="" />
                <f:selectItem itemValue = "1" itemLabel = "fruit 1" /> 
                <f:selectItem itemValue = "2" itemLabel = "fruit 2" /> 
                <f:selectItem itemValue = "3" itemLabel = "fruit 3" />

My problem is when i select fruit1 or fruit2 or fruit3 and i click in another panel and when i return to this panel, i have the last select present(fruit1 or fruit2 or fruit3). I want to empty user selection when I go to another panel and i return to thius panel, the select choice must have empty. How can i do refresh my jsp page side javascript to delete the last select of fruit and the selection by default must have empty

The value is held in #{myBean.FruitId} . You have to clear this value.

You can put a a4j:jsFunction or a <p:remoteCommand in your panel and call this function from your javascript onblur , onfocus or onclick method. This way, you can call any bean method and do a value setting as you want. Don't forget to give the remoteCommand a correct update="mypanelid"

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