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How to read a specific object from a Json file using Jackson

Let's say I want to directly read the object fruits from a Json file and store it to the Fruit.class . How should I do it?

  "fruits": [
    { "name":"Apple", "price":"0.8"}
  "vegetables": [
    { "name":"Carrot", "price":"0.4"}

My model class

public class Fruit {
    private String name;
    private double price;

    public String getName() { return name; }
    public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
    public double getPrice() { return price; }
    public void setPrice(double price) { this.price= price; }

What I've tried:

String file = "src/main/resources/basket.json";
String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file)));
objectMapper.readValue(json, Fruit.class);

Your json must match with what you try to convert. In your case you need

public class FruitWrapper {

   private List<Fruits> fruits;
   private List<Fruits> vegetables;

   getters, setters...


Then this will work for you

 FruitWrapper fruitWrapper =  objectMapper.readValue(json, FruitWrapper.class);

Make a class called food:

public class Food {
    private Fruit[] fruits;
    private Fruit[] vegetables;
    public Food() {

    public Fruit[] getFruits() {
        return fruits;

    public Fruit[] getVegetables() {
        return vegetables;

and then use:

objectMapper.readValue(json, Food.class);

after that you can get the fruits and vegetables from your food instance

We can write a little helper method, to convert raw string representation of the nested JSON array, to the Java list:

public class EntryPoint {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("src/main/resources/basket.json")));

        //maybe better to use more generic type Product? as fruits and vegs have same structure
        List<Fruit> fruits = getNestedJSONArray(json, "fruits");
        List<Fruit> vegetables = getNestedJSONArray(json, "vegetables");


    private static List<Fruit> getNestedJSONArray(String json, String key) throws Exception {
        List<Fruit> fruits = new ArrayList<>();
        new ObjectMapper().readTree(json)
                .forEach(e -> {
                    Fruit tmpf = new Fruit();
        return fruits;

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