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Grpc Server Can not Overload method

I want to build a very simple client and server application in Grpc C# for first time I built it successfully but when I want to build an other Service got error 'C0115 no suitable method found for override '

Here is My Code:

ServiceHubService.cs in Services Folder

namespace NetPlus.Server.Core

    public class ServerHubService : ServereHub.ServereHubBase
private readonly ILogger<ServerHubService> _logger;

 public ServerHubService(ILogger<ServerHubService> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public override Task<ActionResult> GetActionResult(ActionRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            return Task.FromResult(new ActionResult
                ActionResultType = "Test"

ProtoBuffer File:

  syntax = "proto3";
        option csharp_namespace = "NetPlus.Server.Core";
        package server;
        service ServereHub  {
        rpc ActionManager (ActionRequest) returns (ActionResult);
        message ActionRequest {
            string ActionType = 1;
        message ActionResult {
            string ActionResultType = 1;

what is wrong?

I have using

visual studio 16.10.0 net 6.0 preview

In your proto file, you've defined

rpc ActionManager (ActionRequest) returns (ActionResult);

that means your method name will be ActionManager but you override GetActionResult .

So, could your please try to rename the method name?

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