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Ruby on Rails can't save image src scraped with Nokogiri

I'm trying to get the src value of an image (which is located on another website) with Nokogiri, save it in my database and use it to display this image in my view. But Rails raiseS this error message:

Nil location provided. Can't build URI.

here is my code in controller:

def scrape

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(URI.open(page_url))
items = doc.css("j-wrapper-content")
images = doc.css("div.j-img")

images.each do |image|
  link = image.css("img").attr('src').to_s
  @product.image_url = "https://www.jacadi.fr#{link}"

items.each do |item|
  @product.name = item.css("h1").text
  @product.price = item.css("j-prd-price p").text.to_f

@product.save! end

and my code in view:

<% if product.picture.attached? %>
  <%= image_tag(product.picture, class: "card-pict") %>
<% elsif %>
  <%= image_tag(product.image_url, class: "card-pict") %>
<% else %>
  <%= image_tag("gift.png", class: "card-pict mini") %>
<% end %>

Finally found the solution: There were two issues :

  1. In the controller: The . were missing in front of the css selector so Nokogiri was unable to find them.

  2. In the view I've added the .present? behind my product.image_url in my elsif statement.

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