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Taking input string from keyboard and outputting a string in Assembly (8086)

I am trying to create a program that greets the user with their name. The user enters their name after a prompt and the they are greeted along with their name. I have already tried using this code but it fails and throws error on line 21.

The error message states: (21) wrong parameters: LEA Dx,name (21) probably no zero prefix for hex; or no 'h' suffix; or wrong addressing; or undefined var: name

Here's the code

.MODEL SMALL                                 
.STACK 100                                   

    msg db "Hello! Please enter your name:$" 
    newline db 13,10,'$'                     
    greeting db "Wellcome!$"                   
    name db 80, 0, 78 DUP('$')

main PROC                                    
    ; Prompt
    MOV Ax,@DATA                             
    MOV Ds,Ax                               
    LEA Dx,msg                               
    MOV Ah,09h                               
    INT 21h                                 

    ; Input
    LEA Dx,name       (throws error)                       
    MOV AH,0AH                               
    INT 21h                                  

    ; Check if ENTER is pressed
    CMP Al,13                               
    JE Display                              
    ; Newline
    LEA Dx,newline
    MOV Ah,09h
    INT 21h
    ; Print Greeting                                                                           
    Display: MOV AH,09h                      
    LEA Dx,name+2
    ;MOV Dl,Al                                
    INT 21H                                  
    MOV Ah,4Ch                              
    INT 21h                                  
main ENDP

END main    

it fails is not a useful description. When you want to use Int 21/AH=0Ah buffered input , the first buffer byte has to be initialized with its size, for instance name db 80, 0, 78 DUP('$')
Also remove the instruction MOV Dl,Al which damages DX in ; Print Greeting ; Print Greeting .

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