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ngStyle unexpected behavior, not updating on property change

I'm a little confused why ngStyle is not working as expected. I'm following a tutorial by Brad Traversy on Udemy, and we're instructed to use ngStyle like so:

<h3 [ngStyle]="currentStyles" >{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}</h3>

Which would rely on the currentStyles property set on the component class, as follows:

currentStyles = {'padding-top': this.showExtended? '15px': '0'}

the showExtended property is a boolean, which is toggled by a method:

toggleExtended() {
      this.showExtended = !this.showExtended;

Expected behavior: the padding-top on the h3 element should change from 0 to 15px when this.showExtended is toggled from false to true . This property is indeed changing, as other parts of this component are reliant on it, and functioning as expected. However, It appears that ngStyle is only evaluating on first render, and not updating when the property of the component changes.

The solution I found was to make a method that returned a function scoped variable:

getCurrentStyles() {
      let styles = {
          'padding-top': this.showExtended ? '0' : '40px'
      return styles;

and set the element to

<h3 [ngStyle]="getCurrentStyles()">{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}</h3>

This, in fact works as expected. To summarize: the ternary in that currentStyles object only evaluates on component mount, and that value then does not update when the value changes.

What am I missing here?

Minor update to get what you want.

toggleExtended() {
      this.showExtended = !this.showExtended;
      this.currentStyles = { 'padding-top': this.showExtended ? '15px': '0' };

Angular evaluates change to currentStyles object to trigger the redraw.

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