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How to make a Slack App/Bot post a code block (Python)

In Slack you're able to post as a user in a code block like in Stackoverflow

like so

As a posting user, you're able to do this by typing "```" it then changes your input box to one formatted for code.

I need to get my Slack App/Bot to post a Tabluate Table as a code block so the formatting stays consistent with my Python output. At the moment, my code looks like this:

client.chat_postMessage(channel="#google-analytics-test",text="```" + table)

This simply posts the table in a text format with "```" added onto the start of it.

This is what comes from the bot:


How it should look coming from the user:


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, any alternative methods to get the Tabulate Table being posted by the bot in the right format would also be very welcomed!

You also need "```" after the table and both should be in a separate line. This should do it:

client.chat_postMessage(channel="#google-analytics-test",text="```\n" + table + "\n```")

Note the added newlines "\n".

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