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Unable to import pyodbc for Python 3.9

I've searched about every post I can find and tried everything to try and get my pip install of pyodbc to be recognized by python and I'm not having any luck.

I am a Python beginner, I am just trying to get my hands dirty by automating some NETEZZA SQL reports. So very basic just running out of IDLE Shell 3.9.2:

>>> import pyodbc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import pyodbc
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing pyodbc: The specified module could not be found.

when I type help("modules") I do see pyodbc in the list:

_symtable fractions pyodbc weakref

I run a python -m pip list to make sure it sees pyodbc as well:

pip list

Pip install gives me "requirement already satisfied:" - it does mention something about urllib3 in case that's relevant:

pip install

lastly I made sure the working directory in IDLE was the same these pip installs are going to:



I have no idea where to go next, or other things to look into. Everything I find it seems like it should be working

FYI to anyone who finds this in the future, it was citrix virtual desktop related issues for my work log-in.

Not an actual Python issue that was preventing it from working.

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