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How can I implement Paypal Native Checkout SDK in android?

I have searched for the Native Checkout SDK example for android, But didn't find any example or documentation about it. The paypal documentation code is showing error when I tried to implement it. And is there any java version of integration available?


Perfect documentation for you; but you must do the following things first to work properly.

  1. Select your app from the My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer Dashboard and:

**** Enter a Return URL. You can use an Android App Link registered within the Developer Console to handle SDK redirects. Alternatively, you can use your Application ID (typically referenced via BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID) and register your Application ID with://paypalpay as the suffix. For example, if your Application ID is com.paypal.app, input com.paypal.app://paypalpay in the Developer Console

**** Select the Native Checkout SDK checkbox, found within the Advanced options of the Accept payments option.

*** Select the Connect with PayPal (formerly Log In with PayPal) checkbox and the Full name and Email checkboxes found within the Advanced options.

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