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Flutter null safety conditional widget

Before Flutter introduced the null-safety feature, I was able to conditionally add Widgets within a list like so:

actions: <Widget>[
    ? CupertinoDialogAction(
        child: Text(cancelActionText),
           onPressed: () {
    : null,

notNull being a homemade filter that filters off the null objects...

Now with null-safety it's impossible because the list of Widgets strictly has to be non-null. What would be a better approach?

Just use if inside the List :

   if (true) Widget(), 

Example with your code:

actions: <Widget>[
  if (canCancel)
        child: Text(cancelActionText),
           onPressed: () {

Just replace your null with an empty, size zero, SizedBox .

SizedBox(width: 0, height: 0)

Or as suggested in comments:


As YoBo suggested , using collection- if is the better approach here, but if for some reason you need to be able to store null s in a List and filter them out later (or if you just prefer your existing style), you can:

  1. Change your List type to allow nullable elements. That is, use <Widget?>[] instead of <Widget>[] .
  2. Use Iterable.whereType with a non-nullable type to filter out null values.
actions: <Widget?>[
    ? CupertinoDialogAction(
        child: Text(cancelActionText),
           onPressed: () {
    : null,

if is not new as it was added in Dart 2.3 a few years ago. Even before null-safety, you were not allowed to return a null for a widget. You might not see a compile-time warning before NNBD, but it is a runtime error.

As I mentioned in this answer (although that answer isn't for your case), you can use if condition or even ternary operator like this:

  children: [
    if (condition) Text(''),
    condition ? Text('') : Container(),

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