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How Can I Create My C# Com Class From JavaScript Using ActiveXObject

I wrote C# class to COM but I could not use it from JavaScript. Example

public class Commands : ICommands
    public Commands()

    public int CreateChannel(string channelName)
        return 0;

    public int GetChannelID(string channelName)
        return CreateChannel(channelName);

     public event ChannelEventsHandler OnChannelEvents;

public delegate void ChannelEventsHandler(string a);

public interface ICommands
    int CreateChannel(string channelName);

    int GetChannelID(string channelName);

public interface ICommandsEvents
    void OnChannelEvents(string a);

and I checked "Register for COM interop" checkbox of project property.

when I want to Create this from JavaScript like this.

var a = ActiveXObject("Scripting.Commands");

I am getting "Automation Server Can't create object" exception. What is my wrong.

Thank you

There are a large number of reasons for this kind of error.

  • Ensure you have an assembly level GuidAttribute for the type library
  • First check the registry that interface, type library and coclass registration are correct.
  • Use Process Monitor to check the registration is being read correctly.
  • Attach a debugger to the process, so you can add breakpoints to your code.
  • Does a C# client (using COM, so you'll need to import tge typelib to create a PIA) work?

But I notice your class does not have a GuidAttribute , so coclass registration will have failed.


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