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How to extract data in one FOR loop from JSON multiple dictionary - Python

In my scrapy project I want to extract data from a website. It turned out that all information are stored in some script that I can easily read in JSON format and from there extract the data I need.

That's my function:

    def parse(self, response):
        items = response.css("script:contains('window.__INITIAL_STATE__')::text").re_first(r"window\.__INITIAL_STATE__ =(.*);")
        for item in json.loads(items)['offers']:
            yield {
                "title": item['jobTitle'],
                "employer": item['employer'],
                "country": item['countryName'],
                "details_page": item['companyProfileUrl'],
                "expiration_date": item['expirationDate'],
                'salary': item['salary'],
                'employmentLevel': item['employmentLevel'],

And json file have that structure:

var = {
        "jobTitle":"Automatyk - Programista",
        "employer":"MULTIPAK Spółka Akcyjna",
        "employmentLevel":"Specjalista (Mid / Regular)" ,
        "offers": [
            "cities":["Małe Czyste (pow. chełmiński)"],
            "label":"Małe Czyste (pow. chełmiński)"}], 

Above example of one element. So when I try to extract data like cities or regioName I receive an error. How can I make for loop from throughout two dictionaries and yield that data date to the new dictionary?

You didn't make it clear what you want, but I'm guessing this is close:

    def parse(self, response):
        items = response.css("script:contains('window.__INITIAL_STATE__')::text").re_first(r"window\.__INITIAL_STATE__ =(.*);")
        for item in json.loads(items)['offers']:
            for offer in item['offers']:
                yield {
                    "title": item['jobTitle'],
                    "employer": item['employer'],
                    "country": item['countryName'],
                    "details_page": item['companyProfileUrl'],
                    "expiration_date": item['expirationDate'],
                    'salary': item['salary'],
                    'employmentLevel': item['employmentLevel'],
                    'offernumber': offer['offerId'],
                    'region': offer['regionName'],
                    'city': offer['cities'][0]

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