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How to add HTML append javascript... "quotation marks" problems

I'm trying to transform div content from img to div strong

for example

<div class="multi-gallery-image show" id="service_preview">
    <img alt="image" src="チャイルドカット¥3000">
    <img alt="image" src="ジュニアカット">
    <img alt="image" src="ハナコカット">
    <img alt="image" src="Hair Styling">
    <img alt="image" src="Manicures">
    <img alt="image" src="Hair Coloring">

I want to transform to div strong

<div class="multi-gallery-image show" id="service_preview">
     <div><strong>Hair Styling</strong></div>
     <div><strong>Hair Coloring</strong></div>

I have this but the result is different as expected:

let servicePreview = document.getElementById('service_preview');     //parent where I am trying to introduce the src values
let myImg;
let mySrc;
let toPush;

if (servicePreview.getElementsByTagName('img').length > 0){
    let servicesNumber = servicePreview.getElementsByTagName('img').length;     //number of img tags inside the service_preview
    for (let i = 0; i < servicesNumber; i++){
        myImg = servicePreview.getElementsByTagName('img')[i];      //capturing the img tag
        mySrc = myImg.getAttribute('src');              //capturing the src value from img tag
        toPush = '<div><strong>' + mySrc + '</strong></div>';      //creating html tag for push to the parent service_preview
        servicePreview.append(toPush);                            //appending the html tag

but the result of this is

<div class="multi-gallery-image show" id="service_preview">
    <img alt="image" src="チャイルドカット¥3000">
    <img alt="image" src="ジュニアカット">
    <img alt="image" src="ハナコカット">
    <img alt="image" src="トップスタイリストカット">
    <img alt="image" src="Hair Styling">
    <img alt="image" src="Manicures">
    "<div><strong>Hair Styling</strong></div>"
  • I want to delete that "quotes" on every div strong, that is a string.
  • I have to delete the complete img tag after solve the "quotes" problem


use createElement to create dom element to appendChild and removeChild to remove elements.

 let servicePreview = document.getElementById('service_preview'); var myImg; var mySrc; let toPush; var elements = servicePreview.getElementsByTagName('img'); while (elements[0]) { newDiv = document.createElement('div'); newStrong = document.createElement('strong'); newStrong.innerHTML = elements[0].getAttribute('src'); newDiv.appendChild(newStrong); servicePreview.appendChild(newDiv); elements[0].parentNode.removeChild(elements[0]); }
 <div class="multi-gallery-image show" id="service_preview"> <img alt="image" src="チャイルドカット¥3000"> <img alt="image" src="ジュニアカット"> <img alt="image" src="ハナコカット"> <img alt="image" src="Hair Styling"> <img alt="image" src="Manicures"> <img alt="image" src="Hair Coloring"> </div>

Unlike jQuery append() the native method treats html strings as text

Use insertAdjacentHTML(position, html) instead

 const str = '<div class="inserted">Test</div>' document.getElementById('one').append(str);// shows as text document.getElementById('two').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', str)
 <div id="one"></div> <div id="two"></div>

In raw JavaScript I believe its something like this.

const services = ['チャイルドカット¥3000', 'ジュニアカット', 'ハナコカット',
  'Hair Styling', 'Manicures', 'Hair Coloring']

const preview = document.getElementById("service_preview")

services.forEach(service =>{
  const div = document.createElement("div")
  const strong = document.createElement("strong")
  strong.innerText = service

simply use replaceChild() method

there is a trap with img.src because you get an URI

 const servicePreview = document.getElementById('service_preview') servicePreview.querySelectorAll('img').forEach(imgElm=> { let newDiv = document.createElement('div'), newStrg = document.createElement('strong'); newDiv.appendChild( newStrg ) newStrg.textContent = imgElm.getAttribute('src') // or decodeURI( imgElm.src.split('/').pop() ) servicePreview.replaceChild( newDiv, imgElm ) })
 <div class="multi-gallery-image show" id="service_preview"> <img alt="image" src="チャイルドカット¥3000"> <img alt="image" src="ジュニアカット"> <img alt="image" src="ハナコカット"> <img alt="image" src="Hair Styling"> <img alt="image" src="Manicures"> <img alt="image" src="Hair Coloring"> </div>

const servicePreview = document.getElementById("service_preview");
const imageSources = [...servicePreview.children].map((img) => img.src);

// Remove all images
while (servicePreview.firstChild) {

// Add new div/strong tags
for (const imageSource of imageSources) {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  const strong = document.createElement("strong");

  strong.textContent = imageSource;


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