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How to assign a List<String> flutter?

I am trying to assign a List of String in flutter like:

      List<String> names = ["A", "B", "C"];

error: The type 'List' is declared with 0 type parameters, but 1 type arguments were given. (wrong_number_of_type_arguments at line 90

error: A value of type 'List' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'List'. (invalid_assignment at line 90

Why can't I assign a List like this? What am I doing wrong here? I have tried:

  String a = "A";
          String b = "B";
          String c = "C";
          List<String> names = [a, b, c]; 
It is still shwoing the same error.
I don't understand.

You need to declare an empty list with a name first and then later add values to the list. Using listName.add()

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