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How to fill multidimensional array with loop

I have an array:

$days = array(

And I have a query witch is getting me the days from the database (day_name,ID); For what I need your help: I want to fill the array with the loop below and make it associative. Example result:

thursday => array(
    'ID' => 1,
    'name' => thursday
friday => array(
    'ID' => 1,
    'name' => thursday

My code now:

$query='Query days from database';

foreach($query as $res)
    foreach($days as $day)
        if($res == $day)
            // now there I want to put informations

There's no need for nested loops. Initialize the array as an associative array. Then use the name column from the database query to index into the result and assign to that element.

$days = ['sunday' => [], 'monday' => [], ...];
foreach ($query as $row) {
    $days[$row['name']] = $row;

In case you can't initialize arrays (Like suggested in @Barmar Answer), you need to look for the array key to override it with an array. Like here:



foreach($res as $k => $v){
$daykey = array_search($res[$k]['name'], $days);
if ($daykey !== false) {
} else {
    //do nothing... or whatever

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