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Mongodb: $round decimal

I'm trying to round the average salary to 2 decimal places. I'm stumped, I can get either everyones salary to 2 decimal places

db.employees.aggregate([{$project: {_id: null, 'roundedSal':{$round: [{$avg: '$salary'}]}}}])

which returns

{ "_id": null, "roundedSal": 48501.24 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 45999.71 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 35554.54 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 47700 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 48123.25 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 44415.94 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 42925.26 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 31500.66 } { "_id": null, "roundedSal": 50500.25 }

or get the overall average

db.employees.aggregate([{$group: {_id: null, 'roundedSal':{$avg: '$salary'}}}])

{ "_id" : null, "roundedSal" : 43913.427777777775 }

but I can't manage to figure out how to round this to two decimal places without an error being thrown

Please read the mongo documentation it's one of the bestest documentantions in my opinion.

// { $round : [ <number>, <place> ] }

db.employees.aggregate([{$project: {_id: null, 'roundedSal':{$round: [{$avg: '$salary'}, 2]}}}])

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