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Flutter's GetIt with the app in background

I'm having issues with using GetIt while the app is in background. With the app is in focus everything works great but the moment I switch focus everything breaks. What's my error here?

I'm using GetIt 6.1.1, flutter 2.0.5, here's the stacktrace

I/flutter ( 5125): FlutterFire Messaging: An error occurred in your background messaging handler:
I/flutter ( 5125): 'package:get_it/get_it_impl.dart': Failed assertion: line 315 pos 7: 'instanceFactory != null': Object/factory with  type NotificationCubit is not registered inside GetIt. 
I/flutter ( 5125): (Did you accidentally do GetIt sl=GetIt.instance(); instead of GetIt sl=GetIt.instance;
I/flutter ( 5125): Did you forget to register it?)

Here's my GetIt setup


GetIt getIt = GetIt.instance;

void setupGetIt() {


void main() async {
  // some other methods

And the method that throws the error.

void _handleMessage(RemoteMessage message) {


You need to call setupGetIt(); again in your _handleMessage , the code becomes:

void _handleMessage(RemoteMessage message) {
   //Add it here


The error is thrown because when _handleMessage method is called, the compiler fails to find getIt.registerSingleton<NotificationCubit>(NotificationCubit()); which registers NotificationCubit> .

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