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Reload a different OS using reloados REST API

I issue the following URL to reload a virtual guest with the current OS. rest/v3/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/1234/reloadOperatingSystem

What parameter do I specify to reload the virtual guest with a different operating system?

The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::reloadOperatingSystem service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter, so you can use a request as below:

Method POST:




Also, you can get the operating system prices by filtering the items by description:

Method GET:

https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Product_Package/1035/getItems.json?objectMask=mask[description,id,prices[id]]&objectFilter={"items":{"description":{"operation":"*= Ubuntu"}}}

Output example:

        "description": "Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver LAMP Install (64 bit)",
        "id": 11429,
        "prices": [
                "id": 211481

Keep in mind to use the same package id used in the virtual guest, below a way to get it (guessing that 123456 is the virtual guest identifier).

Method GET:


Output example:

    "typeId": 1,
    "billingItem": {
        "categoryCode": "guest_core",
        "package": {
            "id": 1035,
            "name": "Public Virtual Server (hourly)"

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