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ANTLR4: Priority on ternary expression

In the specification for the Jakarta Expression Language there is the following condition:

Qualified functions with a namespace prefix have precedence over the operators. Thus the expression ${c?b:f()} is illegal because b:f() is being parsed as a qualified function instead of part of a conditional expression. As usual, () can be used to make the precedence explicit, eg ${c?b:(f())} .

grammar ExpressionLanguageGrammar;
prog: compositeExpression;

compositeExpression: (dynamicExpression | deferredExpression | literalExpression)*;
dynamicExpression: DYNAMIC_START expression RCURL;
deferredExpression: DEFERRED_START expression RCURL;
literalExpression: literal;

literal: booleanLiteralExpression | floatingPointLiteralExpression | integerLiteralExpression | stringLiteralExpression | nullLiteralExpression;
booleanLiteralExpression: BOOL_LITERAL;
floatingPointLiteralExpression: FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL;
integerLiteralExpression: INTEGER_LITERAL;
stringLiteralExpression: StringLiteral;
nullLiteralExpression: NULL;

arguments: LPAREN expressionList? RPAREN;
expressionList: (expression ((COMMA expression)*));


mapEntry: expression COLON expression;
mapEntries: mapEntry (COMMA mapEntry)*;

    : expression (LBRACK expression RBRACK) #memberIndexExpression
    | expression bop=DOT (IDENTIFIER) #memberDotExpression
    | expression arguments #callExpression
    | prefix=(MINUS | NOT | EMPTY) expression #unaryExpression
    | expression bop=(MULT | DIV | MOD ) expression #infixExpression
    | expression bop=(PLUS | MINUS) expression #infixExpression
    | expression bop=(LE | GE | LT | GT) expression #relationalExpression
    | expression bop=INSTANCEOF IDENTIFIER #infixExpression
    | expression bop=(EQ | NE) expression #relationalExpression
    | expression bop=AND expression #logicalExpression
    | expression bop=OR expression #logicalExpression
    | IDENTIFIER (COLON IDENTIFIER)? arguments #namespaceFunctionExpression  
    | <assoc=right> expression bop=QUESTIONMARK expression bop=COLON expression #ternaryExpression
    | <assoc=right> expression bop=(ASSIGN | CONCAT) expression #assignExpression
    | lambdaParameters ARROW expression #lambdaExpression
    | expression SEMICOLON expression #semicolonExpression
    | IDENTIFIER #identifierExpression
    | literal #literalExpr
    | LBRACK expressionList? RBRACK  #listExpression
    | LCURL expressionList? RCURL #setExpression
    | LCURL mapEntries? RCURL #mapExpression
    | LPAREN expression RPAREN #parenExpression

LCURL: '{';
RCURL: '}';
TRUE: 'true';
FALSE: 'false';
NULL: 'null';
DOT: '.';
LPAREN: '(';
RPAREN: ')';
LBRACK: '[';
RBRACK: ']';
COLON: ':';
COMMA: ',';
GT: ('>' | 'gt');
LT: ('<' | 'lt');
GE: ('>=' | 'ge');
LE: ('<=' | 'le');
EQ: ('==' | 'eq');
NE: ('!=' | 'ne');
NOT: ('!' | 'not');
AND: ('&&' | 'and');
OR: ('||' | 'or');
EMPTY: 'empty';
INSTANCEOF: 'instanceof';
MULT: '*';
PLUS: '+';
MINUS: '-';
DIV: ('/' | 'div');
MOD: ('%' | 'mod');
CONCAT: '+=';
ASSIGN: '=';
ARROW: '->';
DOLLAR: '$';
HASH: '#';
FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* EXPONENT? | '.' [0-9]+ EXPONENT? | [0-9]+ EXPONENT?;
fragment EXPONENT: ('e'|'E') ('+'|'-')? [0-9]+;

StringLiteral:                 ('"' DoubleStringCharacter* '"'
             |                  '\'' SingleStringCharacter* '\'') ;

fragment DoubleStringCharacter
    : ~["\\\r\n]
    | '\\' EscapeSequence

fragment SingleStringCharacter
    : ~['\\\r\n]
    | '\\' EscapeSequence
fragment EscapeSequence
    : CharacterEscapeSequence
    | '0'
    | HexEscapeSequence
    | UnicodeEscapeSequence
    | ExtendedUnicodeEscapeSequence
fragment CharacterEscapeSequence
    : SingleEscapeCharacter
    | NonEscapeCharacter
fragment HexEscapeSequence
    : 'x' HexDigit HexDigit

fragment UnicodeEscapeSequence
    : 'u' HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit HexDigit
    | 'u' '{' HexDigit HexDigit+ '}'
fragment ExtendedUnicodeEscapeSequence
    : 'u' '{' HexDigit+ '}'
fragment SingleEscapeCharacter
    : ['"\\bfnrtv]

fragment NonEscapeCharacter
    : ~['"\\bfnrtv0-9xu\r\n]
fragment EscapeCharacter
    : SingleEscapeCharacter
    | [0-9]
    | [xu]
fragment HexDigit
    : [_0-9a-fA-F]
fragment DecimalIntegerLiteral
    : '0'
    | [1-9] [0-9_]*
fragment ExponentPart
    : [eE] [+-]? [0-9_]+
fragment IdentifierPart
    : IdentifierStart
    | [\p{Mn}]
    | [\p{Nd}]
    | [\p{Pc}]
    | '\u200C'
    | '\u200D'
fragment IdentifierStart
    : [\p{L}]
    | [$_]
    | '\\' UnicodeEscapeSequence


LETTER:  '\u0024' |
                 '\u0041'..'\u005a' |
                 '\u005f' |
                 '\u0061'..'\u007a' |
                 '\u00c0'..'\u00d6' |
                 '\u00d8'..'\u00f6' |
                 '\u00f8'..'\u00ff' |
                 '\u0100'..'\u1fff' |
                 '\u3040'..'\u318f' |
                 '\u3300'..'\u337f' |
                 '\u3400'..'\u3d2d' |
                 '\u4e00'..'\u9fff' |
DIGIT: '\u0030'..'\u0039'|

WS: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;

ANY: .;

How can I turn this into a grammar error? Currently, this is parsed and does not return any errors. Should the errors be handled in the code-side or can it be done in the parser-side?

Try the following:

I added a parser rule:

qualifiedFunction: IDENTIFIER COLON IDENTIFIER arguments;

Then I made it the first alternative of the expression rule:

    : qualifiedFunction # QFunc

Then I modified the alternative for ternaryExpression to create two alternatives (order is important):

    | expression QUESTIONMARK qualifiedFunction  # badTernaryExpression
    | expression QUESTIONMARK  (trueExpr=expression COLON falseExpr=expression) # ternaryExpression

A useful "trick" you can use in ANTLR is to write a rule to recognize a particular invalid construct, and have ANTLR build a tree for you that makes it easy for you to identify.

This was the only way I could get ANTLR to recognize this and create a parse tree you can use to identify the invalid usage (I also, don't really understand why the parentheses are required in the ternaryExpression , but if I remove them, it recognizes your example as a regular ternary expression.

Now I can create a Listener:

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRErrorStrategy;

public class BadTernaryListener extends ExpressionLanguageGrammarBaseListener {

    public void enterBadTernaryExpression(ExpressionLanguageGrammarParser.BadTernaryExpressionContext ctx) {
        // Add your error to your error list here
        System.out.println("You can't use a qualified Function here");


In practice you'd have some error handler collecting errors from the parse, and you could pass it into the Listener so you could use the same error listener to add whatever message you want when you encounter this usage.

I'm not entirely sure that this will cover ALL of the qualified function precedence needs, but it does detect this situation.

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