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get response with specific fields from entityManager.createQuery() join result in springboot API

I am using springboot with JPA to create REST APIs. I want to get all details from student and matching rows from address if present.

Below is my serviceImplementation

 EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
 query = entityManager.createQuery("select s , a  from Student s " +
                                         " left join Address a  " +
                                         " on s.id = a.student ")
       List<Object> list = query.getResultList();

below is my Student Entity

class Student{
private int id,
private String name,

 @ManyToOne(optional = false)
 @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = "student", allowSetters = true)
 private User user; // User another entity
  --- getter and setter --

below is my Address Entity

class Address{
private int id;
private String addressLine;

 @ManyToOne(optional = true)
 @JsonIgnoreProperties(value = "address", allowSetters = true)
 private Student student; 
   --- getter and setter --

So it will return the all matching rows with relationship attributes like below

 id :1,
 name: "qwert",
   id: 1,
 id: 1,
 id :1,
 name: "qwert",
   id: 1,

**I want output be like below**

 id :1,
     name: "qwert",
       id: 1
     id: 1,

How we can achieve this? I tried with using POJO but could not achieve. I am beginner to Springboot and JPA. Can there is another way to get data from unrelated entites and return POJO with specific fields.

This should work:

List<Object[]> list = query.getResultList();
for (Object[] element: list) {
   Student s = element[0|;
   Address a = element[1];
   //.... do whatever necessary to save result to dto list

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