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ASP.NET Core Web API hosted on Azure don't send an email

I have an Web API based on ASP.NET Core and hosted on Azure as App Service. I have a simple functionality for sending an email. But it's only working on the localhost. When I publish it on the Azure, the POST query returns me error: 500.

It's a MailKit.Net.Smtp library.

        public async Task<ActionResult> SendMail([FromBody] Receiver receiver)
            var message = new MimeMessage();
            message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("Step OSBB", "receiver@gmail.com"));

            message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("User name", receiver.Email));

            message.Subject = "Henlo, it's a testing email";

            message.Body = new TextPart("plain")
                Text = "I am using MailKit to send this message"

            using (var client = new SmtpClient())
                client.Connect("smtp.gmail.com", 587, false);
                client.Authenticate("myemail@gmail.com", "mypass");
            return StatusCode(200);

    public class Receiver
        public string Email { get; set; }

Visit below link, and set Allow less secure app:Enabled like me. It works for me.



Related Post

how to fix “send-mail: Authorization failed 534 5.7.14 ”

Test steps:

  1. Not set lesssecureapps.



  2. After enabled.



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