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How to define a class template with reference type template parameter of template template parameter type

I would like to define a class template (hereafter called C ) which takes a reference to an object of an to-be instantiated class template (hereafter called S ) as template parameter. The objective is that C can be fully instantiated with one template argument.

S is a class template on its own which has one integral type template parameter. The C class template shall be instantiated using a reference to an object of any instantiation of S .

This is what I am trying to achieve:

template<int I> struct S {
    int get() { return 42 + I; }

//        ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓  my desperate attempt
template< typename S<int I>::template & n>
struct C {
    int get() {
        return n.get();

S<42> s;

int main()
    C<s> c;
    return c.get();

The compiler I am using supports GNU++11 or older.

There is no way that I know in C++11 that will allow you to change just the template parameters to do what you want. What you can do though is not have a non-type template parameter, but just a type, and add a constructor to C that takes the reference to the desired object as a parameter:

template<typename T>
struct C {
    C(T &t): t(t) {}
    int get() {
        return t.get();
    T &t;

Then you could declare c as follows:

C<decltype(s)> c(s);

However, it is of course not so nice to have to repeat yourself like that, so the trick is to make a templated function that will construct a C of the right type for you:

template<typename T>
C<T> make_C(T &t) {
    return C<T>(t);

And then you can write:

auto c = make_C(s);

In C++17, you might do

template<int I> struct S { int get() { return 42 + I; } };

template <auto& n>
struct C;

template <int I, S<I>& n>
struct C<n>
    int get() { return n.get(); }

S<42> s;

int main()
    C<s> c;
    return c.get();

Demo .

Before C++17, template <auto& n> struct C; has to be replaced. for example by

template <typename T, T& n> struct C;

template <typename T, T& n>
struct C;

template <int I, S<I>& n>
struct C<S<I>, n>
    int get() { return n.get(); }

S<42> s;

#define AUTO(x) decltype(x), x

int main()
    C<S<42>, s> c;
    // C<AUTO(s)> c;
    return c.get();


This is not the answer. But maybe this helps somebody who stumbled upon this question or even help somebody to actually find the answer.

In contrast to the original question I added the static member variable Si .

template<int I> struct S {
    static constexpr int i = I;
    int get() { return 42 + I; }

template<int I, S<I>& n> struct C
    int get() {
        return n.get();

S<42> s;

int main()
    C<s.i, s> c;
    return c.get();

This is not the answer, because still two template arguments are required in order to instantiate the class template C .

This compiles with C++11 .

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