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No output when trying to run a shell command from python

I've never created PowerShell script or anything like that so that's why I'm trying to run the command from Python instead since I thought all I have to do is just called it using the os.popen() command.

I have over 5000 folders all containing images that I'm going to extract keypoints from using a script that I've downloaded from github .

When I tried running my Python script nothing shows up. There's a window containing the image with the keypoints that is supposed to show up when I run the command but nothing shows up.

I have tried the command in PowerShell on one folder and it works perfectly.

Here's my script:

import os
import sys
import time

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
    for d in dirs:
        print("got here")
            "bin\\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir"
            + " C:\\Users\\Adam\\Downloads\\LIP_MPV_256_192\\MPV_256_192\\all\\all\\images\\train\\"
            + d
            + "--write_json"
            + " C:\\Users\\Adam\\Downloads\\LIP_MPV_256_192\\MPV_256_192\\all\\all\\images\\pose_coco\\train\\"
            + d

You could try with subprocess module from the Python standard library:

import os
import subprocess
import time

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(
    for d in dirs:
        print("got here")
        command = [
            " C:\\Users\\Adam\\Downloads\\LIP_MPV_256_192\\MPV_256_192\\all\\all\\images\\train\\" + d,
            " C:\\Users\\Adam\\Downloads\\LIP_MPV_256_192\\MPV_256_192\\all\\all\\images\\pose_coco\\train\\"
            + d
        subprocess.run(args=command, shell=False, capture_output=True)

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