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Importing a module from a parent package

I have this directory structure

| |__init__.py
| |utils.py
|  \Scripts
|   |__init__.py
|   |myscript.py

and I need to import utils.py in myscript.py but from..utils import function is giving me

ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

so my attempt is to add the parent package to the path by doing

import sys
from pathlib import Path

inside the innermost __init__.py (under the Scripts folder) without any success.

What am I missing here?

My suggestion to have a good understanding of how to deal with this kind of problem is to read this post: Relative imports for the billionth time

One solution to your problem could be the following:

  1. Have this folder structure
| |__init__.py
| |utils.py
| |myscript.py
  1. Keep this in your myscript.py
import sys
from pathlib import Path

and change from..utils import function to from Lib.utils import function

This is one way to solve it.

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