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Importing module from package

I am trying to import a module from a package set up as per instructions from Modules Python Tutorial . My directory tree is:

$ pwd

$ ls *

atcf.py  __init__.py

I am able to import pygplib but pygplib.atcf does not seem to exist:

In [1]: import pygplib

In [2]: dir(pygplib)
Out[2]: ['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__']

What am I doing wrong? All my __init__.py files are blank. Thank you.

Submodules don't get imported when you import the top package, and thus don't appear in dir . Instead, do

from pygplib import atcf


from pygplib.atcf import atcf

atcf is not imported automatically into the pygplib namespace, but you can arrange for this to happen by putting

import atcf

in pygplib/__init__.py .

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