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How to safely detele a record?


I created an app which handles todos. I want to be able to delete todos based on an id I get from the url

import vweb

struct App {

pub fn (mut app App) delete_todo_response(id string) vweb.Result {
  db := sqlite.open("dist/database.db") or {
    return app.redirect("/todo")

  db.exec_none('DELETE FROM todo WHERE id = $id') // id is not escaped

fn main() {


As you can see, the id is not escaped. I feel this is not the ideal and secure way to do this.


  • How one can escape values using exec() , exec_one() or exec_none() ?
  • Is the ORM capable of deleting a record for me based on a struct, like this is possible with select and insert?

As far as I know, there is no standard way to escape sqlite queries. However, you can indeed use the ORM. If you declare your Todo struct, this should do:

sql db {
    delete from Todo where id == id

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