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Need to update shell in PyCharm to zsh

Started taking the 'Programming for everyone' course on Coursera to learn python. Ive downloaded 2 text editors. Atom and Pycharm. When I open the terminal both say, "The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh ."

Please understand I'm totally new. This is the first time I've ever used a text editor or terminal so don't know where to run this or how to straighten this out. Im using a 2015 MacBook Pro running 10.15.7 Image is screenshot of editor and terminal in pycahrm im in.

Yeah, it sucks. I had the same problem with Pycharm, but this solution worked for me.

1- Change zsh to bash

$ /bin/bash

2 - Get the commands back like (cd, ls, clear...)


3 - Get the profile back

. /etc/profile

After that your porfile will look like this "username:" instead of this "%n@%m %1~ %#"

One more thing, if you using mac, open your terminal and check preference . In the preferences go to General -> Shells open with -> if it is Default Login shell which means you are using zsh , you should change to Command (complete path): and add /bin/bash in the space below so that your default change to bash.

I hope it was useful for you, and for the people looking for answers. Cause, I wasted an hour looking for solution that JetBrain Pycharm and Apple couldn't provide.

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