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Deployment issue in k8s cluster using docker file without minikube, but my is pod not running

I have created a k8s cluster by installing "kubelet kubeadm kubectl" . Now i'm trying to Deploy microservice application as

  1. docker build -t demoserver:1.0. => image created successfully

  2. kubectl run demoserver --image=demoserver --port=8000 --image-pull-policy=Never => POD STATUS: ErrImageNeverPull

I tried " eval $(minikube docker-env)" but it says bash: minikube: command not found...

Do i need to install minikube? Is my above cluster setup is not enough for deployment??

Minikube and kubeadm are two unrelated tools. Minikube builds a (usually) single node cluster in a local VM for development and learning. Kubeadm is part of how you install Kubernetes in production environments (sometimes, not all installers use it but it's designed to be a reusable core engine).

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