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How secure storage apps woks

I want to make a mobile application using Flutter like this


but I don't know how to keep the data actually safe

I have used aes_crpyt package ( https://pub.dev/packages/aes_crypt ) which allows me to encrpyt and decrpyt files but how can I retrieve the data to be shown in the application without being decrypted as normal files which can be opened using any explorer which can access root files

You can check out this package: flutter_secure_storage . From the documentation:

  • Keychain is used for iOS
  • AES encryption is used for Android. AES secret key is encrypted with RSA and RSA key is stored in KeyStore

This way your data can be saved in a SharedPreferences fashion in a safer way through encryption.

Sample syntax:

import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';

// Create storage
final storage = new FlutterSecureStorage();

// Read value 
String value = await storage.read(key: key);

// Read all values
Map<String, String> allValues = await storage.readAll();

// Delete value 
await storage.delete(key: key);

// Delete all 
await storage.deleteAll();

// Write value 
await storage.write(key: key, value: value);

Since any database's purpose is to only store pure informational organized data. It's not suitable for storing large files such as media, documents, or images. There are 2 alternatives:

  1. Upload the encrypted file to Firebase, then save the encrypted path to DB
  2. Save encrypted file to local storage, then store the encrypted path

I recommend the 1st method since you can avoid saving the encrypted files at local and risking chance to expose it to other users.

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