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Flutter Riverpod : return 2 stream with StreamProvider

I have music player application using package Asset Audio Player and Flutter Riverpod as State Management. I want listen 2 things stream:

  1. Listen current duration of song
  2. Listen current song played
final currentSongPosition = StreamProvider.autoDispose<Map<String, dynamic>>((ref) async* {
  final AssetsAudioPlayer player = ref.watch(globalAudioPlayers).state;
  ref.onDispose(() => player.dispose());

  final Stream<double> _first = player.currentPosition.map((event) => event.inSeconds.toDouble());
  final Stream<double> _second =
      player.current.map((event) => event?.audio.duration.inSeconds.toDouble() ?? 0.0);

  final maps = {};
  maps['currentDuration'] = _first;
  maps['maxDurationSong'] = _second;
  return maps; << Error The return type 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>' isn't a 'Stream<Map<String, dynamic>>', as required by the closure's context.

How can i return 2 stream into 1 StreamProvider then i can simply using like this:

              builder: (_, watch, __) {
                final _currentSong = watch(currentSongPosition);

                return _currentSong.when(
                  data: (value) {
                    final _currentDuration = value['currentDuration'] as double;
                    final _maxDuration = value['maxDuration'] as double;
                    return Text('Current : $_currentDuration, Max :$_maxDuration');
                  loading: () => Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
                  error: (error, stackTrace) => Text('Error When Playing Song'),

I would start by creating a StreamProvider for each Stream :

final currentDuration = StreamProvider.autoDispose<double>((ref) {
  final player = ref.watch(globalAudioPlayers).state;
  return player.currentPosition.map((event) => event.inSeconds.toDouble());

final maxDuration = StreamProvider.autoDispose<double>((ref) {
  final player = ref.watch(globalAudioPlayers).state;
  return player.current.map((event) => event?.audio.duration.inSeconds.toDouble() ?? 0.0);

Next, create a FutureProvider to read the last value of each Stream .

final durationInfo = FutureProvider.autoDispose<Map<String, double>>((ref) async {
  final current = await ref.watch(currentDuration.last);
  final max = await ref.watch(maxDuration.last);
  return {
    'currentDuration': current,
    'maxDurationSong': max,

Finally, create a StreamProvider that converts durationInfo into a Stream .

final currentSongPosition = StreamProvider.autoDispose<Map<String, double>>((ref) {
  final info = ref.watch(durationInfo.future);
  return info.asStream();

This answer is another approach what @AlexHartford do.

Current solution for my case is using package rxdart CombineLatestStream.list() , this code should be look then:


final currentSongPosition = StreamProvider.autoDispose((ref) {
  final AssetsAudioPlayer player = ref.watch(globalAudioPlayers).state;

  final Stream<double> _first = player.currentPosition.map((event) => event.inSeconds.toDouble());
  final Stream<double> _second =
      player.current.map((event) => event?.audio.duration.inSeconds.toDouble() ?? 0.0);

  final tempList = [_first, _second];
  return CombineLatestStream.list(tempList);

How to use it:

              builder: (_, watch, __) {
                final players = watch(globalAudioPlayers).state;
                final _currentSong = watch(currentSongPosition);
                return _currentSong.when(
                  data: (value) {
                    final _currentDuration = value[0];
                    final _maxDuration = value[1];
                    return Slider.adaptive(
                      value: _currentDuration,
                      max: _maxDuration,
                      onChanged: (value) async {
                        final newDuration = Duration(seconds: value.toInt());
                        await players.seek(newDuration);
                  loading: () => const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
                  error: (error, stackTrace) => Text(error.toString()),

But this approach have drawback, the code is hard to readable. Especially when use in Consumer , I have to know the order of return result.

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