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Modify a loop based on key and value in dictionary

Im new to python I wrote the code below, to search in a dictionary, do something, clear old items in dictionary and update dictionary with new key and values and break while there is noting to add to dictionary (it is empty), how can I modify my code to do this process?

#since_id - Returns results with an ID greater than 
#(that is, more recent than) the specified ID. There are limits to the 
#number of Tweets which can be accessed through the API.
# If the limit of Tweets has occured since the since_id,
# the since_id will be forced to the oldest ID available. 
# max_id - Returns results with an ID less than (that is, older than) 
#or equal to the specified ID.

Dict2 = dict({'@TweeetLorraine':1392217841680764931})
d2 = {}
from tqdm import tqdm
for key, value in tqdm(Dict2.items()):
  for i in tweepy.Cursor(api.search,
                     q='to:{} -filter:retweets"'.format(key),lang="en"
                     if (i.in_reply_to_status_id == value):

                       from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
                       dfflat = pd.DataFrame()
                       for tweet in rep:
                         df_for_tweet = json_normalize(tweet._json)

                         d2.update(zip(dfflat["user.screen_name"].tolist(), dfflat["id"].tolist()))

d2 ```

You can use a while loop for that:

#since_id - Returns results with an ID greater than 
#(that is, more recent than) the specified ID. There are limits to the 
#number of Tweets which can be accessed through the API.
# If the limit of Tweets has occured since the since_id,
# the since_id will be forced to the oldest ID available. 
# max_id - Returns results with an ID less than (that is, older than) 
#or equal to the specified ID.

Dict2 = dict({'@TweeetLorraine':1392217841680764931})
d2 = {}
from tqdm import tqdm
for key, value in tqdm(Dict2.items()):
  for i in tweepy.Cursor(api.search,
                     q='to:{} -filter:retweets"'.format(key),lang="en"
                     if (i.in_reply_to_status_id == value):

                       from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
                       dfflat = pd.DataFrame()
                       for tweet in rep:
                         df_for_tweet = json_normalize(tweet._json)

                         d2.update(zip(dfflat["user.screen_name"].tolist(), dfflat["id"].tolist()))


For your use case, here is roughly the code that does what you describe, there is better ways to do that using map, I let you search for it if you want to know more.

Also, I'm not sure whether you want to completely clear the dict or only clear the current "i", but I think you can modify the following snippet to your true needs

mydict = initial_dict
# while there is something in the dictionary
while mydict:
    value_searched = None
    for key, value in mydict.items():
        for i in tweepy.Cursor(api.search,
                     q='to:{} -filter:retweets"'.format(key),lang="en"
                     if (i.in_reply_to_status_id == value):
                       value_searched = i

    # create new dict from value retrieved
    mydict = {"@" +value_searched.user.screen_name : value_searched.id_str} 

Edit2: Using recursivity

def tweepy_stub(key, value):
    if key == "TweeetLorraine" and value == 1392217841680764931:
        return [
            ("AlexBC997", 1392385334155956226),
            ("ChapinDolores", 1392432099945238529),
    elif key == "AlexBC997" and value == 1392385334155956226:
        return [("test", 139238533415595852)]
    elif ("ChapinDolores", 1392432099945238529):
        return []

def recursive(list_values, nb_recursion):
    mydict = {}
    if list_values == None or nb_recursion == 0:
        return mydict
        for name_user, tweet_id in list_values:
            mydict[(name_user, tweet_id)] = recursive(
                retrieve_direct_reply_stub(name_user, tweet_id), nb_recursion - 1
        return mydict

class stub_tweepy_answer:
    def __init__(self, status_id) -> None:
        self.in_reply_to_status_id = status_id

def retrieve_direct_reply_stub(name_user, tweepy_id):
    rep = []
    d2 = []
    return tweepy_stub(name_user, tweepy_id)

def retrieve_direct_reply(name_user, tweet_id):
    rep = []
    d2 = []
    for i in tweepy_stub(name_user, tweet_id):
        val = i
        if (i.in_reply_to_status_id == tweet_id):
            from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
            dfflat = pd.DataFrame()
            for tweet in rep:
                df_for_tweet = json_normalize(tweet._json)

                d2.append(zip(dfflat["user.screen_name"].tolist(), dfflat["id"].tolist()))
    return d2

#print(retrieve_direct_reply_stub("TweeetLorraine", 1392217841680764931))

elem = [("TweeetLorraine", 1392217841680764931)]
print(recursive(elem, 3))

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