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Python & Selenium: what's the best way to hierarchically select data from html elements?

As an exercise for learning Python and Selenium, I'm trying to write a script that checks a web page with all kinds of commercial deals, find all the specific food deals (class name 'tag-food'), put them in a list (elem), then check which ones contain the text 'sushi', and for those elements extract the html element which contains price. And print the results.

I have:

elem = driver.find_elements_by_class_name('tag-food')

i = 0
while i < len(elem):
    source_code = elem[i].get_attribute("innerHTML")
    # ?? how to check if source_code contains 'sushi'?
    # ?? if true how to extract price data?
    i = i + 1

What's the best and most direct way to do these checks? Thanks!

I don't think you need a while loop for this. Also, you would be looking for a text value, not innerHTML

You can make it more simple like this:

for row in driver.find_elements_by_class_name('tag-food'):
    if "sushi" in row.get_attribute("innerText"):
        print("Yes this item has sushi")
        # find element to grab price, store in variable to do something else with
        print("No sushi in this item")

Or even just this, depending on how the text in the HTML is structured:

for row in driver.find_elements_by_class_name('tag-food'):
    if "sushi" in row.text:
        print("Yes this item has sushi")
        # find element to grab price, store in variable to do something else with
        print("No sushi in this item")

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