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convert a datevalue returned from object to DD-MM-YYYY format

I am trying to convert the "20150812" to "12-08-2015". my returned date object shown below:

study response = [
    "dob": {
        "Value": [

javascript function var dob = study["dob"]["Value"]; //returning 20151208 var dob = study["dob"]["Value"]; //returning 20151208

expected output //08-12-2015

tried the following: Date.parse(dob); //return NaN Date.parse(dob); //return NaN

Any help appreciated.

You can use moment js to manipulate dates. Read more: Moment.js
below code converts your string date which is in format YYYYDDMM to DD-MM-YYYY

 <script src="https://momentjs.com/downloads/moment.min.js"></script> <script> var mydate = 20151208; var str = moment(20151208,"YYYYDDMM").format('DD-MM-YYYY');//You need this line console.log(str); </script>

You can also use take substrings to get day,month and year

 var str = "20151208"; var year = str.substr(0, 4); var day = str.substr(4, 2); var month= str.substr(6,2); console.log( day+"-"+month+"-"+year);

I am trying to convert the "20150812" to "12-08-2015"

Since dob is a text string, and you want a text string result, this is probably easiest to do with text string manipulation, like this:

// var dob = study["dob"]["Value"]; //returning 20151208
var dob = "20151208";
var converted = dob.replace(/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$2-$3-$1");

The output will match your expected output.

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