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Replacing string via sed failing regardless of delimiter

I'm trying to inject a Jenkins param to a YAML file by substituting a dummy value with the database URL encoded as base64 but is failing by throwing: char 95: unterminated `s' command .

My variable looks like this:


Here's what I tried:

sed -e "s/dumyvalue/$(echo ${DB_URL} | base64)/" ./file.yaml

I tried to escape all characters including '/','&',';' but still no success. Also, I changed the delimiter to '#', same problem.

Expected results inside file.yaml:

database_url : dummyvalue should become database_url : db url base64 encoded

Works fine with strings without slashes.

I think the problem is with the spaces generated by the output of $(echo $DB_URL | base64) . Therefore, you could take a 2-step approach: First, sanitise the variable (by escaping the spaces for sed) before doing the substitution like so:

sanitised=$(echo $(echo $DB_URL | base64) | sed 's/ //g')

then 2) you can use it in the sed command: this should do the trick:

sed -e 's/dumyvalue/'"$sanitised"'/' ./file.yaml

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