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How to group voids in c# MEF Plugins

How can I group voids in c# MEF?

I have the main plugin interface:

public interface IHostPlugin
    void LOG_WriteLog(string Message);
    void LOG_DeleteLog(string Id);
    void Notifications_SendNotification(string Message);

Now, on the plugin

[Import("IHostPlugin", typeof(IHostPlugin))]
public IHostPlugin HostPlugin { get; set; }

and I can call the plugin Void like this:


But what I want is to group the voids, and call like this:


Is it possible?


I think your best shot is:

internal static class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        TypeCatalog catalog = new TypeCatalog(typeof(LOG), typeof(Notifications), typeof(Plugin1));

        CompositionContainer container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);

        HostPlugin host = new HostPlugin();



public class Plugin1
    private void LOG_WriteLog(string Message) { }

    private void LOG_DeleteLog(string Id) { }

    private void Notifications_SendNotification(string Message) { }

public class HostPlugin
    public LOG LOG { get; private set; }

    public Notifications Notifications { get; private set; }

public class LOG
    [ImportMany("LOG.WriteLog", AllowRecomposition = true)]
    private Action<string>[] Write { get; set; }

    public void WriteLog(string Message)
        foreach (Action<string> action in Write)

    [ImportMany("LOG.DeleteLog", AllowRecomposition = true)]
    private Action<string>[] Delete { get; set; }

    public void DeleteLog(string Id)
        foreach (Action<string> action in Delete)

public class Notifications
    [ImportMany("Notifications.SendNotification", AllowRecomposition = true)]
    private Action<string>[] Send { get; set; }

    public void SendNotification(string Message)
        foreach (Action<string> action in Send)

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