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Flutter firebase firestore: 'path.isNotEmpty': a document path must be a non-empty string)

im trying to make chat app for my flutter application. But this error is always come up everytime i try to click to chat. The error Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code.

readLocal() async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
id = prefs.getString('id') ?? '';
if (id.hashCode <= peerId.hashCode) {
  groupChatId = '$id-$peerId';
} else {
  groupChatId = '$peerId-$id';
    .update({'chattingWith': peerId});

setState(() {});


If looks like your id variable is an empty string, which isn't a valid document ID to pass into doc() .

Given how you initialize id :

id = prefs.getString('id') ?? '';

It seems that prefs.getString('id') returns null. You'll want to figure out what you want to do when that happens, but a simple way is to check with:

id = prefs.getString('id');
if (!id.isEmpty) {
  if (id.hashCode <= peerId.hashCode) {
    groupChatId = '$id-$peerId';
  } else {
    groupChatId = '$peerId-$id';
    .update({'chattingWith': peerId});

  setState(() {});

Instead of '', I just passed '1'. Issue has been solved. Initially it has to be non empty. It can take any non empty value.

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