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Unable to connect Lambda in private subnet to S3 through VPCE Endpoint

I've been trying to connect to S3 bucket from a lambda residing in a private subnet. I did the exact same thing for Ec2 instance and it worked like a charm, I'm not sure why with lambda it's such an issue. My lambda times out after a certain defined interval.

Here's my lambda's VPC configuration在此处输入图像描述

Here's the security group output configuration: 在此处输入图像描述

Below are the outbound rules of the subnet associated with lambda在此处输入图像描述

As you can see, I created a VPC endpoint to route my traffic through the VPC but it doesn't work. I'm not sure what am I missing here. Below is the VPC Endpoint configuration.


I've given full access to S3 in policy like this:

"Statement": [
        "Action": "*",
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Resource": "*",
        "Principal": "*"


When I run my lambda code, I get timeout error as below:


To reproduce your situation, I performed the following steps:

  • Created an AWS Lambda function that calls ListBuckets() . Tested it without attaching to a VPC. It worked fine.
  • Created a VPC with just a private subnet
  • Added an Amazon S3 Endpoint Gateway to the VPC and subnet
  • Reconfigured the Lambda function to use the VPC and subnet
  • Tested the Lambda function -- it worked fine

I suspect your problem might lie with the Security Group attached to the Lambda function. I left my Outbound rules as "All Traffic" rather than restricting it. Give that a try and see if it makes things better.

You can access Amazon S3 objects using VPC endpoint only when the S3 objects are in the same Region as the Amazon S3 gateway VPC endpoint . Confirm that your objects and endpoint are in the same Region .

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