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How to execute PowerShell script in Windows-container under Docker?

Below is my entrypoint.ps1 ( PowerShell -script):

Set-Location -Path C:\nginx
& "C:\nginx\Configure-Nginx.ps1"
& "C:\nginx\nginx.exe"

I need to my Configure-Nginx.ps1 and node.exe were executed on docker run so I've put an entrypoint to my Dockerfile :

FROM nginx 
# nginx is a custom image that's based on mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809-KB5003171
COPY entrypoint.ps1 ./
COPY install/Configure-Nginx.ps1 /nginx/Configure-Nginx.ps1
ENTRYPOINT ["powershell", "entrypoint.ps1"]

However my container begins to restart each minute... Well, I've decided there is a some error in the script then I run this image manually with --entrypoint powershell and executed my script in the console directly: .\entrypoint.ps1 . The script was frozen (cuz nginx was launched) and I could connect to my container from web-browser on the host machine... So everything works! Then why doesn't it work if I call my entrypoint from Dockerfile ? What's difference? Maybe someone has met a similar problem...

PS The container is based on mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1809-KB5003171 with PowerShell v5.1.17763.1852

Firs make sure the script is available under the container root:

COPY entrypoint.ps1 /entrypoint.ps1

Then execute it either by -Command or -File :

ENTRYPOINT ["pwsh", "-Command", "/entrypoint.ps1"]
ENTRYPOINT ["pwsh", "-File","/entrypoint.ps1"]

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