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Get textual representation of LLVM IR from module obejct

I'm currently working on a compiler for a C/C++ like language. I have reached the compiling phase of code generation. I'm using the LLVM C++ api to create an LLVM IR from the input file.

As far as I understood it my module object (I'm working with just one module) should contain all information I need for getting the textual representation of the LLVM IR as a string.

But I really don't know how to do that.

If you wish to get the LLVM IR of your llvm::Module you can use the llvm::Module::print function. Use this in combination with the LLVM standard streams like this:

llvm::Module module = ...
module.print(llvm::errs()); // for stderr, llvm::outs() for stdout

See also dump() :

module.dump();  // print to stderr

Or use raw_ostream

llvm::outs() << module;
// or
llvm::errs() << module;
// or
llvm::dbgs() << module;

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