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How to tunnel pgAdmin over wsl2 to CF Database Service?

how can I tunnel my local Windows pgAdmin Client over wsl2 to my cf database? Im already connected with my server: cf ssh -L 8888:servername:5432 app-name Im trying to connect per localhost and Port 8888. I dont want to install cf cli extra for windows just running over wsl2. Hope for some help, much colleges have the same problem.

I've found a solution.

cf login [-a API_URL] [-u USERNAME] [-s SPACE]
cf env [APP_NAME]
cf ssh APP_NAME -L 9105:IP:PORT

Bind local wsl2 port for example 9105

pgAdmin Connection: Host: (localhost doenst work. You can connect but not push sql query) If you have entered localhost you will get the error message SSL negation packet socket is not connected. Port 9105

Now you guys are fine if you'll have this problem. Have fun:)

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