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How to overwrite "wc_display_item_meta" function in WooCommerce

I am looking to have an action included in my functions.php file that changes the echo array from true to false in the below code:

function wc_display_item_meta( $item, $args = array() ) {
    $strings = array();
    $html    = '';
    $args    = wp_parse_args(
            'before'       => '<ul class="wc-item-meta"><li>',
            'after'        => '</li></ul>',
            'separator'    => '</li><li>',
            'echo'         => true,
            'autop'        => false,
            'label_before' => '<strong class="wc-item-meta-label">',
            'label_after'  => ':</strong> ',

The above code is found in the WooCommerce wc-template-functions.php file found on line 3273.

How can I do this?

In includes/wc-template-functions.php , you will see that the function in there is wrapped in a if ( ! function_exists( 'wc_display_item_meta' ) ) { conditional.

So redefine the same function in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme) and your custom function will override the existing.

Note: A function can only be reassigned this way once.

So you get:

 * Display item meta data.
 * @since  3.0.0
 * @param  WC_Order_Item $item Order Item.
 * @param  array         $args Arguments.
 * @return string|void
function wc_display_item_meta( $item, $args = array() ) {
    $strings = array();
    $html    = '';
    $args    = wp_parse_args(
            'before'       => '<ul class="wc-item-meta"><li>',
            'after'        => '</li></ul>',
            'separator'    => '</li><li>',
            'echo'         => false,
            'autop'        => false,
            'label_before' => '<strong class="wc-item-meta-label">',
            'label_after'  => ':</strong> ',

    foreach ( $item->get_formatted_meta_data() as $meta_id => $meta ) {
        $value     = $args['autop'] ? wp_kses_post( $meta->display_value ) : wp_kses_post( make_clickable( trim( $meta->display_value ) ) );
        $strings[] = $args['label_before'] . wp_kses_post( $meta->display_key ) . $args['label_after'] . $value;

    if ( $strings ) {
        $html = $args['before'] . implode( $args['separator'], $strings ) . $args['after'];

    $html = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_display_item_meta', $html, $item, $args );

    if ( $args['echo'] ) {
        // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
        echo $html;
    } else {
        return $html;

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