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How to type from stdin to file (or port) in powershell?

In cmd.exe I can type copy con <filename> and write whatever to file, or com1, for example. Can I do same things in powershell?

You can use a here-string and redirect it to a file:

'@ > file.txt


  • Both the opening ( @' ) and the closing delimiter ( '@ ) must be on their own lines and that the closing delimiter must be at the very start of the line.

    • If you use @" and "@ instead, you get an expandable here-string, ie on with string interpolation, allowing you to reference variables and embed expressions and command output.
  • Interactively, every line but the first will be prefixed with the line-continuation prompt string, >> , which I've omitted for conceptual clarity above.

Note: As postatnote points out, you don't strictly need a here-string for this, as even regular '...' (verbatim) and "..." (interpolating) strings can span multiple lines, but use of here-strings has two distinct advantages:

  • You needn't worry about escaping ' or " in the content of the string.

  • Having the opening and closing delimiters on their own line makes for clearer visual separation (if you tried '<newline>type...' , for instance, the newline would become part of the content).

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