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PowerShell How to access a file from a network drive?

I have a Script that reads a log file and creates a text file with some output taken from the log file.

The script works and it takes the right log file as long as it is on my C:\ drive.

The Original File is located on the network drive called s:\ but if I want to take this log by entering the whole path where the file lives I get the error that >> The Drive wasnt found and that a Drive called S does not exist.

How can I connect to a network drive?

$inVar = Select-String -path C:\Dev\Script\Ldorado.log  -pattern "IN:"  -WORKS
$inVar = Select-String -path S:\Lic_Debug\Ldorado.log  -pattern "IN:" - Does not work!

Thanks for all the Answers - I actually managed it by changing the Path name in \fs01\ because that represents the S:\ and it works. Thanks

Try prepending the path with "FileSystem::" ie -path FileSystem::s:\Lic_Debug\Ldorado.log

This ensures your script uses the FileSystem provider which should correctly recognise the drive.

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