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how to use turfjs to draw an arc via north east

Im using react-map-gl and turf

in this image you could see the arc moves from source to destination via south. how can i change the angle of the arc so it could move from north.



the arc is drawn using the last method which is discussed in this thread https://github.com/Turfjs/turf/issues/1218 .

Codesandbox - https://codesandbox.io/s/stackoverflow-fix-ymk4r?file=/src/index.js

I'm not sure if I have understood your need, but if you want to basically draw an arc between points you could also do something like this:

const p1 = turf.point([-122.3811441, 37.6213129]);
const p2 = turf.point([-118.4107187, 33.9415889]);

const bearingToCenter = turf.bearing(p1, p2) + 90;
const midPoint = turf.center(turf.featureCollection([p1, p2]));
const arcRadius = 1000;

const theCenter = turf.destination(midPoint, arcRadius, bearingToCenter);

const bearing1 = turf.bearing(p1, theCenter);
const bearing2 = turf.bearing(p2, theCenter);

const arc = turf.lineArc(theCenter, arcRadius, bearing1 +180, bearing2 +180);

Clearly, the code is not perfect, but it's just a quick draft to give you the gist.

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