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Spring / Hibernate @Transactional not flushing transaction if followed by a second @Transactional call

I have a weird behaviour in my Spring Boot App.

The app have the OpenSessionInView to false .

I have a Controller and a Service exposing 2 methods with annotation @Transactionnal .



My service:

public class MyService {
        @Transactional(transactionManager = "myTx")
        public void doA(Integer objectId) {
                Object o = repo.findMyObject(objectId);

        @Transactional(transactionManager = "myTx")
        public void doB(Integer objectId) {
                Object o = repo.findMyObject(objectId);

My Controller (case 1):

    public String do(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {


        return "page";

With SQL in debug, I see that the SELECT queries are performed during the call to the service. But I see only 1 flush (several UPDATES) , and it's done when service.doB() is finished and the TransactionInterceptor around the method launch the method invokeWithinTransaction which is weird.

As both method have @Transactional, I was hoping to see 2 flush : the first flush just at the end of service.doA() and a second flush at the end of service.doB().

What is more weird is that if I comment the second call, so

My Controller (case 2):

    public String do(Model model, HttpServletRequest request) {


        return "page";

In case 1, it's like service.doA() knows that a second call will arrive just after on the same object, so it does not commit/flush the transaction and wait for the end of service.doB().

Why do I see only 1 flush? Is it because both calls are on the some DB object?

I thought my knowledge of @Transactional were ok. But now, I am lost.

Hibernate will detect if an object really is dirty and avoid sending an UPDATE statement if it's not necessary. I assume that your updateMyObject is simply not changing the state of the entity with respect to the state it had initially when it was loaded.

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