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How to update an object inside an array, inside another array in Spring + Mongo

I have a Spring + MongoDB project. I have a Collections about buildings ("centros". identified by _id), which have inside devices("dispositivos". identified by uid) which have inside sensors("sensores" identified by "variable"). And I am trying to update 1 sensor.

This is what I want to achieve in mongoDB:

  "uid": "e898b585-d855-4017-9fe4-0644360f9d1b"
  "$set": {
    "dispositivos.$[dispositivo].sensores.$[sensor]": {
      "variable": "Plutonio",
      "unidad": "yuyuyuyuuyu"
  "multi": false,
  "upsert": false,
  arrayFilters: [
      "dispositivo.uid": "e898b585-d855-4017-9fe4-064386kkkkkk",
      "sensor.variable": "caudal"

I have tried to adapt that to Spring, but have not succeeded. It always gives me some kind of error. This is what I have so far, but it doesn't work.

    public UpdateResult upsertSensor(String idCentro, String idDispositivo, String varSensor, JsonNode sensorBody) {

        ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(idCentro);
        Query query = new Query();

        Update update = new Update();
        update.filterArray(new Criteria("dispositivo.uid").is(idDispositivo).and("sensor.variable").is(varSensor));
        update.set("dispositivos.$[dispositivo].sensores.$[sensor]", sensorBody);
        return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "centros");

This is a sample document:

    "uid": "e898b585-d855-4017-9fe4-0644360f9d1b",
    "nombre": "Colegio Rio Piles",
    "tipo": "Colegio",
    "direccion": {
      "calle": "Paseo Dr. Fleming, 1109",
      "codigoPostal": "33204",
      "municipio": "Gijon",
      "provincia": "Asturias",
      "ubicacion": {
        "latitud": "43.5351406",
        "longitud": "-5.6345379"
    "horario": {
      "apertura": "09:00",
      "cierre": "22:00"
    "dispositivos": [
        "uid": "e898b585-d855-4017-9fe4-064386055555",
        "descripcion": "",
        "tipo": "ANALIZADOR_RED",
        "adquisicion": "30s",
        "sensores": [
            "variable": "voltaje",
            "unidad": "V"
            "variable": "intensidad",
            "unidad": "A"
        "uid": "e898b585-d855-4017-9fe4-064386kkkkkk",
        "descripcion": "",
        "tipo": "CONTADOR_AGUA",
        "adquisicion": "30s",
        "sensores": [
            "variable": "caudal",
            "unidad": "l/s"

The question is how to take the mongoDB query that works to Java?

That was my solution:

    public UpdateResult upsertSensor(String idCentro, String idDispositivo, String varSensor, JsonNode sensorBody) {

        ObjectId objectId = new ObjectId(idCentro);
        Query query = new Query();

        Update update = new Update();
        update.filterArray(new Criteria("dispositivo.uid").is(idDispositivo));
        update.filterArray(new Criteria("sensor.variable").is(varSensor));  
        update.set("dispositivos.$[dispositivo].sensores.$[sensor]", sensorBody);
        return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, "centros");

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