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How does the boundary class connect with the controller class in Java with JavaFX + Spring Boot?

I'm making a Spring Boot + JavaFX application for a college project. Since we're studying the BCE (Boundary/Control/Entitity) Pattern from the Unified Process, we have to implement a use case with that in mind. I'm programming the use case in Java, using JavaFX as UI and Spring Boot as a framework. In the JavaFX fxml file, when you define the controller class attribute, I think that it should be the boundary class, rather than the controller itself because the first method of the app goes to the boundary object. The problem is that later I don't know how to link the boundary class to the controller in the Spring Context because if I define a Controller controller attribute in the boundary class, the program won't compile. This is my Spring/JavaFX application class:

public class SpringApp extends Application {
    public static ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext;
    public static Parent root;
    public static Stage stage;

public static void main(String[] args) {

public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
    applicationContext = SpringApplication.run(SpringApp.class);
    FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(SpringApp.class.getResource("/app.fxml"));
    Scene scene = new Scene(loader.load(), 640, 360, false, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED);

And this is a portion of the boundary class (defined as a controller in the fxml file):

public class SaveNewClientBoundary implements Initializable {
public ComboBox<Client> cboClients;

private ClientRepo clientRepo;

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {

public void saveNewClientOption(){

public void showClients() {

Now, this works and all, but it's not using the pattern properly (because of the findAll() method). What I'd like to do is to delegate the communication with entity objects to a controller, so a controller would look like this:

public class SaveNewClientController {

private List<Client> clients;

private ClientRepo clientRepo;

public void saveNewClientOption() {

public void searchAllClients() {
    this.clients = clientRepo.findAll();

public List<Client> getClients() {
    return clients;

If I do this, however, I don't get how to let the boundary object access the clients that the controller looks for. Basically, I don't understand how to instantiate the controller and link it to the Boundary class (and link the boundary class to the controller) once the program starts.

I ended up fixing it by implementing a circular dependency between the boundary class and the controller: Setter/Field Injection

Before that, I was trying to create an instance of the controller in the Boundary class initialize() method, but it was throwing a Controller NullPointer exception because that's not how Spring Boot works. Thanks for the other replies.

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