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Getting column header from snowflake table using python snowflake connector

How to fetch the table data along with column names using snowflake connector cursor. Well I am able to get it using dictcursor but it becomes complex to consolidate the result set as it gives all data as key pair. I wonder if there is any straight forward way.

To get the column headings you can use the cursor's description attribute which returns the metadata of the results and is described here .

Use it like the following:

import snowflake.connector
import os

snowflake_username = os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_USERNAME']
snowflake_password = os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_PASSWORD']
snowflake_account = os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT']
snowflake_warehouse = os.environ['SNOWFLAKE_WAREHOUSE']
snowflake_database = 'sample_data'
snowflake_schema = 'tpch_sf1'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with snowflake.connector.connect(
    ) as con:
        # Execute cursor and print metadata
        cursor = con.cursor().execute("select * from sample_data.TPCH_SF1.customer limit 10")
        for c in cursor.description:

        # # Fetch and print results
        # results = cursor.fetchall()
        # print(results)

The above prints out:

('C_CUSTKEY', 0, None, None, 38, 0, False)
('C_NAME', 2, None, 25, None, None, False)
('C_ADDRESS', 2, None, 40, None, None, False)
('C_NATIONKEY', 0, None, None, 38, 0, False)
('C_PHONE', 2, None, 15, None, None, False)
('C_ACCTBAL', 0, None, None, 12, 2, False)
('C_MKTSEGMENT', 2, None, 10, None, None, True)
('C_COMMENT', 2, None, 117, None, None, True)

I had the same question, using the python snowflake connector in Jupyter notebooks. I work with dataframes, so working from @SimonD's answer above I adapted the section with cursor.description to:

hdrs = pd.DataFrame(cursor.description)

df = pd.DataFrame(sql_data)

From my data, the resulting hdrs dataframe has an attribute 'name' that I can use to set column names for the df dataframe, like so:

df.columns = hdrs['name']

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