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How to serialize JSON data in to XML in C#

I have a JSON like below:

"method": "abc",
"version": "1.0.1",
"login": "123456",
"password": "abc123",
"referenceNumber": "1258",
"amount": 1.00,
"routingNumber": "145879",
"accountNumber": "145879",
"name": "abc as",
"authorizationID": "14789",
"savings": true,
"address1": "noida",
"city": "delhi",
"state": "ab",
"zip": "578945",
"phone": "1234567890",
"email": "abc@test.com",
"test": true}

I want it to convert it into XML, for that I wrote the following code, here MLPayment is the JSON:

    XmlSerializer xsSubmit = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MLPayment));
XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                ns.Add("", "");
                String Body = null;
                //XmlDocument dox = new XmlDocument();
                using (StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                    xsSubmit.Serialize(stringWriter, mLPayment, ns);
                    Body = stringWriter.ToString();
  1. First issue, I am getting the entire xml in double qoutes, means in string form
  2. Second issue , in body I was getting \\n\\r , response is as below

"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-16\\"?>\\r\\n<ACH>\\r\\n <Method>Debit</Method>\\r\\n <Version>1</Version>\\r\\n <Login>9</Login>\\r\\n <Password>uadwaadwadwu</Password>\\r\\n <ReferenceNumber>123456</ReferenceNumber>\\r\\n <Amount>1.00</Amount>\\r\\n <RoutingNumber>12</RoutingNumber>\\r\\n <AccountNumber>123456</AccountNumber>\\r\\n <Name>Joe Blow </Name>\\r\\n <AuthorizationID>123456</AuthorizationID>\\r\\n <Savings>true</Savings>\\r\\n <Address1>SUITE 230adw</Address1>\\r\\n <City>abc</City>\\r\\n <State>AZ</State>\\r\\n <Zip>8504445</Zip>\\r\\n <Phone>1234567890</Phone>\\r\\n <Email>test@abc.com</Email>\\r\\n <Test>true</Test>\\r\\n</ACH>"

to fix second issue, I replaced the \\n\\r

String cleanedReturnedValue = Body.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
String cR = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(cleanedReturnedValue);

after that output is:

"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-16\\"?><ACH> <Method>Debit</Method> <Version>1</Version> <Login>9</Login> <Password>uadwaadwadwu</Password> <ReferenceNumber>123456</ReferenceNumber> <Amount>1.00</Amount> <RoutingNumber>12</RoutingNumber> <AccountNumber>123456</AccountNumber> <Name>Joe Blow </Name> <AuthorizationID>123456</AuthorizationID> <Savings>true</Savings> <Address1>SUITE 230adw</Address1> <City>abc</City> <State>AZ</State> <Zip>8504445</Zip> <Phone>1234567890</Phone> <Email>test@abc.com</Email> <Test>true</Test></ACH>"

but the 1st problem still remains,

  1. how to I get the exact xml data instead of string
  2. How do I remove slashes from <?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-16\\"?>

You are almost there.

Just use LINQ to XML, and load your string into XDocument.


void Main()
    XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-16\"?><ACH>  <Method>Debit</Method>  <Version>1</Version>  <Login>9</Login>  <Password>uadwaadwadwu</Password>  <ReferenceNumber>123456</ReferenceNumber>  <Amount>1.00</Amount>  <RoutingNumber>12</RoutingNumber>  <AccountNumber>123456</AccountNumber>  <Name>Joe Blow </Name>  <AuthorizationID>123456</AuthorizationID>  <Savings>true</Savings>  <Address1>SUITE 230adw</Address1>  <City>abc</City>  <State>AZ</State>  <Zip>8504445</Zip>  <Phone>1234567890</Phone>  <Email>test@abc.com</Email>  <Test>true</Test></ACH>");

You can use Newtonsoft.json package to serialize json to xml or vice versa. The following method will convert Json to XML.

XNode node = JsonConvert.DeserializeXNode(json, "Root");



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