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How to use response object in kotlin

it was to ask how I can access different JSON objects in kotlin (they are inside the response)

I'm a newbie, it was to ask what is the best way to handle response objects

  Fuel.post("usuario/login").jsonBody("{ \"email\" : \"cristian@admin.com\" , \"password\" : \"123456\"}")
        .response { request, response, result ->
           //println(response); // body:{token:34urfd9sf9dudu9sj}
           println(response.body.token) //error "token" doesn't exist


This code is kotlin in android studio

in response I get several things, one of them is the "token" I thought that to access I only wrote response.token But it doesn't work :(

You need to extract the token json object in order to access it's value.

Something like the following will work


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